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The multitasking myth: Is hyper-responsiveness killing your productivity?

Older caucasian business woman, stressed at her computer, unaware of the multitasking myth holding her back

VG Staff

August 31, 2023

Ever feel like your leadership prowess is measured by how many balls you can keep in the air? Or what if I told you that being ‘always on’ isn’t a strength but a silent productivity killer lurking in your daily routine? Buckle up as we dismantle the multitasking myth and explore its impact on your ability to be an effective leader.

The lure of multitasking for leaders

The life of a leader often involves balancing multiple roles, from strategic planning to team management. It’s unavoidable. This is where the idea of multitasking is birthed. The idea of multitasking seems perfect for covering all bases—until you dig into the true reality.

The temptation to multitask is stronger than ever, especially for leaders. The allure often stems from:

  • Pressure to perform: Leaders feel the need to maximize every moment to meet high expectations.
  • Technological tools: Smartphones and apps make it easier to juggle various tasks and stay in constant contact.
  • Illusion of efficiency: Multitasking gives a false sense of accomplishing more in less time.

As Bill Gates once said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” This tells you that you need focused, long-term thinking rather than spreading yourself too thin in the short term.

Despite the appeal, multitasking often undermines the quality and efficiency of your work. This is why we’re calling into question the age-old multitasking myth: constant activity = effective leadership.

Pros and cons of multitasking for leaders

Multitasking seems to offer several advantages but also comes with its share of drawbacks.

Young Black woman sitting in front of her laptop looking stressed, not realizing the multitasking myth holding her back.


  • Accessibility: Being responsive fosters a culture of openness and ensures you’re in the loop.
  • Agility: The ability to switch between tasks can help adapt to rapidly evolving situations.


  • Quality compromise: With divided attention comes the risk of lower-quality decisions. Important tasks require nuanced thinking, which gets compromised when juggling multiple tasks.
  • Cognitive drain: Switching between tasks consumes more mental energy than focusing on one. This can lead to decision fatigue and reduced effectiveness over time.
  • Reduced team morale: When leaders are stretched thin, it becomes apparent to their team. This can erode trust and confidence, as it gives the impression that the leader is not fully engaged in any single initiative.
  • Increased stress levels: The constant task switching and pressure to be hyper-responsive can elevate stress levels, potentially leading to burnout.
  • Unexpected costs: One approach to understanding the impact of multitasking—both on our actions and the brain functions that support them—is to look at what’s known as “task switch costs.” Essentially, a task switch cost refers to the decline in either the speed or accuracy of your work when you transition from one task to another.

Once you unveil the multitasking myth by evaluating the pros and cons you’ll be able to make informed decisions about when multitasking is appropriate and when it’s better to focus on one task at a time. As the business-savvy Warren Buffett wisely advises, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

The trap of hyper-responsiveness

Caucasian woman being hyper-responsive while on her phone while looking at her computer

Leaders often pride themselves on being hyper-responsive, wearing it proudly as a badge of honour, believing it to be an extension of their commitment and responsibility. However, constantly switching between tasks can significantly hinder your performance and decision-making skills. Each switch expends your cognitive resources, draining energy and further reducing your effectiveness.

Hyper-responsiveness can be both a gift and a curse for leaders. It’s easy to equate being readily available with being effective, but there are hidden costs.

Let’s explore some key factors that make hyper-responsiveness a slippery slope:

  • Immediate gratification: The quick replies and instant decision-making give a sense of accomplishment. However, this often amounts to short-term gains at the cost of long-term strategy.
  • Perceived commitment: Being always available might seem like a show of commitment to your team and stakeholders. Yet, this can lead to a reactive rather than proactive leadership style.
  • Unintended consequences: The constant notifications and communications can interrupt deep work sessions, hampering the focus required for complex problem-solving and strategic thinking.
  • Emotional toll: Leaders are not immune to the stress and emotional drain that come with being “on” all the time. This can make it more challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance, potentially affecting overall well-being.

As Steve Jobs pointed out, “Focusing is about saying no.” A hyper-responsive leader might say yes to everything, but at what cost? Saying yes to every notification, email, or immediate issue could mean saying no to thoughtful leadership, innovation and most importantly, to yourself and YOUR needs.

Effective leadership and the multitasking myth

The allure of multitasking isn’t just a general workforce issue; it specifically undermines effective leadership. Leaders may feel the need to be omnipresent, constantly switching between tasks to meet the demands of their role. However, as I mentioned, “task switch costs” reveal that there’s a decrease in performance speed or accuracy when shifting focus.

Here’s why debunking the multitasking myth is crucial for effective leadership:

  • Strategic focus: Leaders require time for strategic planning and critical thinking. These are tasks that demand full attention and simply cannot be done well when interspersed with other activities.
  • Quality over quantity: Good leadership isn’t about how many tasks you can juggle simultaneously, but rather about the quality and impact of the decisions you make.
  • Building relationships: The heart of leadership involves fostering relationships with team members, stakeholders and partners. These quality interactions require your undivided attention and shouldn’t be compromised for the sake of multitasking.
  • Setting an example: As a leader, you’re a role model for your team. By focusing on one task at a time and doing it well, you’ll set a precedent for your team to follow.

As Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, states, “Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” The multitasking myth is counterproductive to this philosophy, as it encourages superficial engagement at the cost of depth and quality.

The multitasking myth busted

Elderly, caucasian, business man smiling at his home office desk now that he has a virtual assistant

Despite the glamour that surrounds the idea of a hyper-responsive leader who can juggle multiple tasks at once, the multitasking myth doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. The costs of multitasking can include poor decision-making, reduced focus, and ultimately a decline in productivity.

The reality is that true effectiveness in leadership comes from focused effort, strategic thinking, and quality interactions—none of which multitasking enhances.

That’s where virtual assistant solutions can step in as a game-changer. By delegating specific tasks that don’t require your specialized skill set to a qualified virtual assistant, you can:

  • Free up cognitive space: No longer weighed down by administrative tasks, leaders can devote their mental energy to strategic planning and problem-solving.
  • Enhance quality of work: With fewer tasks to juggle, the quality of each task performed is likely to improve, aligning better with leadership goals.
  • Boost team morale: A focused leader is a more effective communicator. This focus can improve team relationships and contribute to a more positive work environment.
  • Promote work-life balance: Outsourcing tasks can help leaders reclaim personal time, contributing to a healthier work-life balance and ultimately, better decision-making.

Rethinking our approach to productivity and questioning the multitasking myth can lead to not just more efficient leaders, but also more empathetic and strategic ones. Virtual assistant solutions offer a practical way to achieve this, allowing you to be more of a present, thoughtful and impactful leader.

Ready to challenge the multitasking myth?

If you’re a leader committed to boosting your effectiveness and the well-being of your team, it’s time to challenge the multitasking myth head-on. Reclaim your focus and elevate your leadership by partnering with a virtual assistant solution provider today. Don’t just be busy—be impactful.

Ditch the juggling act and become the leader you’re meant to be. Book a consult with us and find out how you can transform “busy” into “effective.”


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